Recently, I just happen to come across this fact that how much are guys thinking about the whole concept of alpha-woman. I must admit this whole concept seem to scare the hell out of them. The very fact that today in India, the major power-packed positions are held by women, seem to hurt some aching nerve of men. All they can think about is there nightmare getting true.
There seem to be lots & lots of retaliation against the discrimination, towards women, from guys. Each one of them seem to worry about the day when women will occupy all of the important positions across the globe & will become the string pullers for the men who'll be boiled down to nothing but puppets.
I agree to everything that's said. Given the current situations, where women are supported on the fact that they had been downtrodden since centuries & now its time to give them their rights, the eventual end is definitely this. But... why do no one still looks at what is still going on. The women whom we talk about consists around only say 30% of the complete women population of the country, the rest of the 70% still remains the subdued one... the one who are brought up to get married, run the household, get pregnant, give birth (in fact in many cases... multiple times), raise kids and then grow old and die. These 70% are still being taught how to become good wives and how to please in-laws... I don't say thats bad but then I don't think guys should even get worried... since that divine feminine power still does not have its 70% ready.
In fact, its just still centuries to go till this so very worried about final destination is reached. Why get worried just now... let the generations to come take care about it!