Sunday, March 25, 2007


“I walk on lonely roads…. The only one that I’ve ever known……” I am sitting in my room, and the famous Green Day number’s music is encouraging me to go on with this piece. In last few days, it has turned out so that my academic and extra curricular commitments are keeping me busy and eventually away from my friends. And today it has so happened that I am all alone in my small single-seater room and thinking all different ways that I’ve been left out by… Am I feeling claustrophobic or is it just a sunken feeling of tiredness which has taken me in its tense grasp? I have suddenly become unimportant in the life of most important people in my life. I give messages, missed calls, calls and all I receive in answer is a silence… silence of ignorance, silence of forgetfulness, silence of unimportance.

This very unimportant feeling has now brought me delve into myself and remain with me always. I have come to know its importance now when I have found several aspects that interests me. I won’t name it a self discovery; rather I would say its general knowledge. However unimportant I am for people, I still find its importance some or the other way.